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Saturday 16 July 2011

Horn Spoons

Thought I'd have a go at some horn spoons after being suitably inspired by Mantas, I made mine a little more of a traditional shape,

Started by cutting the horn into usebale lengths

Heated the horn then sandwiched it between 2 spoons in a vice

Then cut around the bowl using a coping saw and a file

Then file the handle to shape, very smelly and dusty work!

a quick polish to shine it up

Then I made some more, it's quite good fun doing these!!


  1. I'm a stranger to you, but I have to tell you how much I look forward to yours posts! I just relocated to Alaska a few weeks ago, not living the bush life, but reminiscing about when I used to dream about holing up in a cabin and lashing my own snowshoes! A dream deferred, but living in Alaska is still very much an adventure! Found your blog by way of some others about livng in Alaska. Very interesting!

  2. Thankyou for dropping by Penny, you're more than welcome.

  3. Wow, and a BIG thankyou to you, for I was just thinking of trying to make some myself, and was just about to go abrowsing wildly when I came across this post!

  4. That's good shape! I feel like eating with these.

  5. Cracking are these! Must have a go sometime soon.
