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Thursday 30 April 2020

Modifying a utility knife into a fillet knife

Sometimes you just need a filtering blade that's a little smaller than the normal 6 inch blade, for smaller fish and for removing ribs I like a 4.5 inch blade, so not being able to buy one like that I thought I'd modify a knife to make one.

I bought a couple of rockingham forge utility knives  these are great for the price, but I decided to modify one so that it is slimmer and more flexible.

I ground the spine down and curved the tip up to enable me to work round the bones more easily.
The bonus was it also made the knife much more flexible.

Now to catch the fish !!

Monday 13 April 2020

Logan's Homemade pasta.

My multi talented son (well, he takes after his Dad) was a little concerned about everybody during this pandemic when he heard how everyone was buying as much pasta as they could , so he figured he'd show you all how to make it at home from a few simple ingredients..

Firstly, what you'll need is some flour, salt an egg or two depending on how much you want to make and a little oil.

Put two cups of flour on the counter and add the egg, a little salt and just enough oil to bring it all together into a dough.

Knead it till it forms into a non sticky dough, add some flour to the counter top and your hands to stop it sticking.

Let the dough rest in the fridge for an hour or so.

Once rested roll it out into thin layers

Cut it into thin strips and separate into plastic bags, these will stay fresh in the fridge for 3 or 4 days

It will cook quickly, 2 mins or so, then add some garlic, mozzarella, cheddar, a few herbs and a drizzle of oil and there you have a meal fit for a king..Enjoy!

Wednesday 1 April 2020

Mink tracks

This lockdown due to the coronavirus seems to be taking its toll on a lot of people, I know its difficult not getting out the way we used to but hopefully it wont be like this for long. We are allowed out for exercise each day and theres a little creek not too far from me and I saw mink tracks on the riverbank, first time I've ever seen them in this area thought they are prevalent in other places I've been too  but it's nice to know our furry friends still go about their daily business oblivious to what's happening to us.