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Sunday 30 June 2019

Roasted cattail roots

It's one of those plants that has a multitude of uses, from fire to cordage to woven mats to shelter building and not least of all food. The roots are particularly tasty when roasted on the campfire. Obviously make sure you identify the plant correctly first, the new growth can be eaten raw and has a cucumber texture with a slight bitter aftertaste but the roasted rhizome tastes like potato. Give it a try.

Saturday 22 June 2019

Lough Erne expedition

Myself and quite a few of the guys spent a great few days on a mini expedition on Inish Davar on Lough Erne , although a few skills were practised and a few old ones recovered this was mainly a break for the guys after all the hard work they've put in at events in the first half of this year, here's to the second half.