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Friday 30 August 2019

Unusual coastal forage finds

I was out along the coast recently prepping for a walk and was expecting the usual saltwater type plants to appear, but as chance would have it I came across some really unusual finds;

Tomatoes in flower! Loads of these

Wheat, been finding this everywhere too

What I think may be marrow leaves

And possibly sunflower.

I just couldn't believe these were in the sand just above the high water mark and doing well, I hope anyone else who finds them will allow them to grow fully and if so I'll report back with pics.

Sunday 25 August 2019

Start of foraging season again.

It's my favourite time of the year when nature's larder really starts to produce, from fruits and nuts to roots and seeds and fish and meat, it's time to take advantage and start to prepare for the dark winter ahead. My first haul of wild apples this year isn't too bad, 14lbs, that should be a start for jams, chutneys and puddings to come.


Wednesday 21 August 2019

A stark day on the rocks

I'd heard that the shoals of Atlantic mackerel were in around the coast so I thought I'd see if I could track some down. Not a great day, windy and overcast with quite a few heavy showers, I did manage to end up with 2 mackerel and a coalfish, not a complete waste but hopefully a sign of better things to come.


First one of the year!

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Puff ball and Bacon

Was out on a forage recently and found quite a few puff balls. Most were the usual fist size but I found two quite large ones probably about the size of my head, we split them between the three of us so two thirds of the big ones each and the others were left to grow on a bit.

This was the biggest one, a bit slug eaten on the outside but perfectly edible still.

This was one single slice from my portion and it nearly filled a 14" skillet!

And what a feast fit for a forager, the rest was preserved for future use in casseroles or stews depending on what mother nature brings my way..happy foraging everyone.


Wednesday 7 August 2019

Has anyone seen my Barn Owl?

I was at the Armagh festival of fire recently and had hoped to see a barn Owl, but with fewer than 13 pairs left in the country it was doubtful I'd have seen one..

Search as I may I couldn't find one anywhere, though I had a funny feeling one was watching me.

This little beauty is called Bowie and is from the World of Owls who put on a great display at the festival, many thanks for taking the time and lovely to meet you all, hopefully we'll see you again soon.

Tuesday 6 August 2019

Bushcraft Bushido - Loyalty

Well we've saved the best for last, loyalty..  does it even exist anymore? It's funny how people change over the years and I find I was loyal to the person I once knew but not the person they've become. Once warm hearted and caring people now become cold, aloof and more interested in getting likes on Facebook than dealing with real world issues. It's funny how when ego moves in loyalty moves out. Betrayal comes not from enemies but from those we hold dear yet I see that those who betray us never even show the least amount of remorse or guilt, what does that say about a person? What makes them change in such a way?
I'm a very loyal person, well to those who deserve it that is and I'm not afraid to declare that loyalty openly but what if it's not returned? Well that old maxim holds dear " there is something wrong with your character if opportunity controls your loyalty."
What should you do when you reach out to someone multiple times and they turn their back on you and don't even respond never mind have the courage to meet you face to face, what does that say about their character? Unfortunately I've met a few people like that in my life as I'm sure we all have. I bear them no ill will and wish them every fortune for the future, but how much richer would that future have been if we could share it with those who cared.
Fear not for there is always forgiveness and a way to make amends, do you have the courage to do so or will you live in regret?

Peace and love to all of my Buzzard brothers and sisters, what ever troubles you're facing take heart for you are not alone and someone out there genuinely cares for you. Stay Strong.

Don't let your loyalty become slavery
If they don't like what you bring to the table
Let them eat alone.

The disloyal hide from the truth
They cannot bear to hear it spoken.

Those who are unaware they walk in darkness will never seek the light.
(Bruce Lee)

"I have sinned" he said " for I have betrayed innocent blood" " what is that to us?" they replied " that is your responsibility"
Matthew  27 v 4.

Sunday 4 August 2019

Bushcraft Bushido - Honesty

Probably the easiest of all the virtues to achieve but the one you can be sure very few will ever use.. ' is everything alright ' and the answer.. 'Yes, fine... when you know in your gut you've just been lied to. Why do people do it? well I guess they are just too cowardly to tell the truth. There's no excuse for not being honest and it will end up making you look like a fool.. the truth will always come out.. and then those who lied will run and hide in shame.. should have just been honest in the first place.
Nature can be nothing but honest, no lies no hiding in shame no hidden secrets, if only mankind could follow her example. Nature won't lie to You, if you find yourself being lied to then walk away, never be in the company of the dishonest.

Honesty is a very expensive gift, don't expect it from cheap people.
(Warren Buffet)

Thursday 1 August 2019

Bushcraft Bushido - Compassion

Of all the virtues I guess this is the one I need most practise with. It's easy to have compassion for those you love and care about but it's not so easy to have it for those who have wronged you or you simply don't know. It's a battle I often face and I wonder if others do too, or do they just turn their empathetic feelings off and feel nothing?
It leads me to that old legend which I believe is a modern interpretation but nonetheless provides a good metaphor for this struggle;

An old Cherokee grandfather was telling his grandson that inside each person are two wolves, a black one which is evil and a white one which is good, and they fight for dominion over the persons character.
"The black one," said the grandfather, "is full of hate, jealousy, pride, anger, bitterness, betrayal, resentment, ego, pain and deceit.
The white one on the other hand is full of love, forgiveness, understanding, gratitude, diligence, honour, kindness, benevolence, empathy and compassion"
"But grandfather, said the boy "which one wins?"
The grandfather looked solemnly at the child and said " whichever one you feed"

Which one do you feed?

I love when people who have been through hell, walk out of the fire carrying buckets of water for those still consumed by the flames.