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Sunday 8 May 2011

Purists or Fools

A very great man once told me that only Purists or Fools make lives difficult for themselves and we at Buzzard are neither, so whatever is easiest is what we prefer to do, but the adage is one I hold dear as the great man that told it to me was my Grandfather.

The fire was lit today with cotton wool and vaseline, the wood in this place was very damp and this was the easiest way to get the blaze going.

This is a very small wood, no more than a couple of acres

Even got a pigeon shooting hide in the wood overlooking the adjacent farmland

Food today was simple fare, bread and cheese broken and shared between friends and some salami toasted till crispy over the embers.

Simple days for those of us who are anything but Purists or Fools


  1. Just so long as you know how to do it without the cotton wool, otherwise you would be making it hard for yourself when the cotton wool is not available.
    Better to know where to find dry kindling in the rain, like under that hide for instance, in hollow trees & logs, under rocks that wildlife have turned over on top of leaves etc etc.
    Practice makes perfect if it is the right sort of practice.
    Good post.

  2. Good post, I enjoyed reading this. Your woods cooking always looks good!!!
