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Sunday 13 March 2011

Buzzard Bushcraft On Tour

Familiarity breeds contempt says the old adage and there is nothing more contemptable than going to the same place time after time after time after time. So with what little knowledge we have Buzzard have decided over the next few months to expand our knowledge of the coast and it's resources. Today was an attempt to find protein on the shore, This is an area often neglected by bushcrafters and one we intend to exploit. This is a learning curve for us so if we get anything wrong, please understand that we ourselves are still only beginners in mother natures wilderness school.

Shellfish are an obvious source so we set out to find a few different types, these are Clams

These are cockles, notice the difference in shell shape and texture

Mussels are on the left and Willicks on the right..,

We took just a very few of each type to let those guys who had never tried them have a taste.Once they were cooked we ended up with the basis of a fantastic Gumbo

We also took just a few shore crabs, these are one of my personal favourites!

We retreated back up to a little wood on the edge of the shore to cook them and the shellfish. Cooked shore crab, they were delicious!!, and there was also plenty of a particular little crittter that went down well with eveybody

Shrimps, plenty about and very easy to catch.
The shore, even at this time of the year is a goldmine of protein.
Next time we head down we intend to concentrate on seaweeds and plants.


  1. Great stuff! Affectionate mother nature!

  2. Interesting that you say bushcrafters neglect to use the coast, I think you are right as we tend to head for the woods and forests. Of course ancient civilsations tend to for along coastlines because of the abundance of food, I must give it a try.

  3. Wonderfull post. As someone who lives very far away from the coast this is all pretty foreign to me and I find it very interesting to learn.

  4. Thanks for all the kind comments Guys.
