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Tuesday 20 May 2014

Mora 510 Robust .. New !!

Yes you read that right, this is the mighty Mora 510 being re-released in an all new format, and it's going to be in a Robust version!!

It's still in the design stage as we speak but you can see from the template above that it's very reminiscent of the original 510 but in a beefed up version , it looks like a superb knife.

It was mentioned to me in a brief email conversation I had with Thomas Eriksson from Mora, in which he said

" This fall we will release a updated version of the old 510/511 as Morakniv Basic 511, still only 2mm thick blade but a robust version with a 3.2 mm thick blade will come to"

You all know how much I love the 510 and how I've often sang it's praises, but this version looks like it's going to take the outdoor world by storm, I can see it becoming a legend in it's own right and I can't wait to get my hands on one..or ten!

The 510 was much lamented after we were told Mora had discontinued it and there were a lot of very sad people, hopefully this news will put a smile back on their face. I just hope Mora doesn't keep us waiting too long!!

You can buy Mora Knives plus lots more outdoor gear at a massive 12% discount (contact us first for the discount code) at Above and Beyond.

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