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Sunday 30 December 2012

The End of an Era

We visited a little site we haven't visited in many many moons as we were led to believe a road was being built through it..
someone had attempted to build a shelter, I say attempted as you can see why!!
The ground was well walked over, there was some litter and a lot of the hazel had been cut back
there were still some crab apples on the trees, a nice find for this time of year
It always had a good source of water but when the road is built I fear for it's purity..
the young ash plantation had all been cut down
and the ground had all been fenced off for a considerable distance, such a pity because at one time this little place had such potential now it seems to have lost a lot of it's magic, somehow I don't think we will ever be back.


  1. One of the main reasons I came to Australia. I was running out of places to legally roam.
    Regards, Keith.

    1. I can understand that Keith,my brother in law moved to Sydney a few years back for a similar reason.
