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Sunday 4 March 2012

Primitive Arrows

We have a show and tell with the girl guides coming up very soon so we thought about making some items we could show them rather than the usual kuksa and spoon that every one seems to do, so we decided to make some primitive arrows

Hazel shafts cut and ready to process

The easiest way to take the bark off was by using sharp pieces of flint, the bark came off extremely easily

I then heated the shafts over the fire so I could straighten them

Once straightened I cut notches for the heads and the strings

I fitted the fletchings, left to right are pheasant, swan and hooded crow feathers, the pheasant and swan were simply tied on with sinew but the crow feathers were tacked on with pine pitch

Then I put the heads on, top one is flint fixed with pine pitch, then an antler broadhead fitted with sinew and lastly a bone head fitted again with pitch

and completed...