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Saturday 17 September 2011

Bolt from the blue

We headed out to rathlin and down along the coast looking for my favourite sea bird, the Gannet. To me these are one of the most majestic birds on earth and I've often wanted to get close enough to get a picture of one, so to ensure we concentrated on the birds we left the rods at home and headed out..

Along the picturesque Antrim coast but as you can see the sky was threatening and no gannets seemed to be around, until..

There was a splash behind the boat and a few started feeding on what we thought were probably launce, what magnificence as they entered the water, like a bolt from the blue!!

Gannets swallow their prey underwater so this was a great shot to actually see the bulge in it's throat as it swallowed a fish.

Another one of my favourite pics, it's only taken about 20 years to get these shots!

Another one of my favourite pics

And having a look to see if there are any still there!! One of the best wildlife watching days of my life!


  1. This is awesome! I especially like the last one, beautiful shot. And a beautiful animal, graceful and sleek in its habitat. Thanks a lot!

  2. SCORE! Great shots! And thanks for the education--I don't know much about gannets (my favorite sea bird being the plain ol' brown pelican,) but now I'm researching this beauty.

  3. Thankyou Penny, your comment is greatly appreciated.
