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Wednesday 2 July 2014

New Dual Survival Host.. Matt Graham

For those of you who don't already know Matt Graham is the new host of Dual Survival after Cody was let go. This new guy is the same one you may have seen in Dude you're Screwed or Survive That if you're in the UK.
He's renowned as an athlete and has a proven record in primitive skills and wilderness living skills with his forte being the Atlatl.

I've already seen a few of his DS shows and to be honest I'm yet to be convinced, he seems a decent guy , he comes across as very laid back and easy going, very nature aware and Gaia orientated.. a stark contrast to the bumbling idiot that is Teti.. 
In my opinion I think DS has run it's course and needs to be scrapped, we should be getting more excited about the TV program Dave Canterbury is making and producing himself and which will be airing on his you tube channel soon..

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I feel it´s a good thing I have no TV...;-)
