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Sunday 17 June 2012

Bird Brothers, Stunning Birds of Prey

We recently had a chance to see some gorgeous Birds of Prey up close. Top of the food chain predators have always had a fascination for us regardless if they have fin, fur or feather, so here are a few pictures, I hope you like them.

Bald Eagle

and in's difficult to describe the sheer size of these birds, magnificent creatures with a 6 foot wingspan,the pictures don't do them justice

Bateleur eagle.. an amazing bird to see in flight especially the unusual way it lands

and in profile,

A Gyr/Merlin hybrid..this bird is specially bred in captivity to be the most agile bird on the planet! It can turn in it's own body length at full speed and take out any other feathered prey within it's size range, the perfect hunting machine but it can fetch up to £1,000,000 in price!!!!! (yes that's one million pounds per bird!)

The kestrel, one of our most common and spectacular birds of prey often seen hovering near roadside verges. I have flown these in the past and you can hardly feel their weight on your hand coming in at around 6 ounces!!

and of course....!!!!!


  1. Buzzard! Wonderful, wonderful! I don't often have the opportunity to see these treasures up close, so when I do, I'm suprised all over again, especially at how huge the eagles seem. When I lived on the northern California coast, I would often pull over on the highway to get a longer, more attentive look and the (American?) kestrals overhead. Always beautiful and fascinating.

    1. Thanks for the comment Penny, it's nice to know other people appreciate these gorgeous animals as much as I do.

  2. Those are the nobles of the animal world... Great pictures of great birds. I love them - obviously - the Gyr / Merlin is my favourite. Just for looks, a graceful creature with an air of dangerous fascination and not only for the price tag alone.

