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Monday 20 March 2017

Forged in Fire

Some of the guys and gals from the club went down to the local forge at moneypennys lock for a day of black wind fire and steel.
We all had it in our heads to make enough steel strikers to use for the next wee while.

It's an incredibly charismatic place with a real historical feel especially with the stone cobbles on the floor.
Johnny got us all prepped up and away we went

The pace was relentless and the sweat beaded our brows as the hammer did it's work

Even the God of thunder made an appearance!

There were some posey people!

And even a surprise for the big guys birthday.

It was a tired but very happy bunch of people at the end of the day and all will remember the experience for a long time to come.

And the result of our labours, the rest of the group will have their chance in the next couple of weeks so I'll keep you updated with their experience too.
A big thanks to Johnny and Emile for a great day.


  1. Waaaaay cool! That is one hell of a cool smithy... ;-) Guess ´twas louder than hell in there? ;-D

    I just could not figure out the black wind... ;-D

    Anyway, cool pictures and a nice bunch of people you got there. Makes one want to partake!

  2. Looks like a great day.
