Monday 28 September 2015

Smile for the Camera!

We did an event at the weekend at the end of which we had to pose for a professional photographer to get our pictures taken for publicity for a particular nationwide organisation, I don't particularly relish getting my picture taken, as I'm sure you can tell...
doesn't look staged at all does it? Lol.

Sunday 27 September 2015

Rush Brush

There are times when a small brush comes in handy for sweeping flour off the griddle or for basting a haunch or even sweeping some ground and this is a simple little item to make.

Cut a handful of soft (field) rush and have a little nettle cordage to hand to bind them

Bind them tight around the thick end of the rush, it doesn't have to be neat, just functional

Trim the top into a dome so it doesn't stick into your hands and cut the brush end to the desired length

and once it's complete you have a very versatile and efficient little brush for many different tasks.

Sunday 13 September 2015

Chanterelle's on a stick.

It's a great time to find one of the nicest types of fungi out there, relatively easy to identify and tasty to boot. Chanterelles.
they are easy to i.d. with their egg yolk yellow colour and a very mild, slightly sweet smell
but the false gills, looking more like folds or wrinkles than traditional mushroom gills, are a give away as to the fact you've found a chanterelle, (though just exactly what sub species of chanterelle is a different matter!)
I'm not one for fancy recipes, preferring to actually taste the mushroom itself rather than a whole mishmash, so make a skewer, slice the 'shroom, impale it and roast it over the fire, it starts to release it's juices quickly and once slightly crisp just eat..
one mushroom that tends to have a few more calories than most fungi, but to be honest as a survival food, you're not going to get a huge amount of calories from fungi.

Sunday 6 September 2015

Obama on Bear Grylls

Look who's appearing on the Running Wild show with Bare Gyrls, I could go into a diatribe about this but I'll leave others to do that. I don't often like to report or comment on the politics surrounding bushcraft and survival I'll leave that to others, but this is getting beyond the pale..
there are plenty of google links out there, but here's one from the BBC here

Puffball on Toast.

It's that time of year again when the nicest mushrooms start to make an appearance, not something I spend a lot of time going after due to their poor calorific content and chance of a misidentification but those that are easy to identify can add a nice change to our wild food larder.
I found these while out on a wild flower bimble and thought I'd take advantage of a present from mother earth.

They weren't very big but I wasn't going to leave them as I found a few others that had been smashed up either by kids or careless adults, pity as there were quite a few of them.

Taken home and cut up into slices ready for cooking in the pan

and after cooking in wild garlic infused olive oil, they were very tasty indeed.